D1S Lampe ersetzen on X1

  • Hey! I live in Sweden, but I hope it´s ok to write in your forum? :) I´m going to swap my D1S xenon bulbs with new OSRAM Cool Blue on my X1 28i -10. I have been looking online for instructional videos, with no results.

    Has anyone tried it, and knows if it's easy, or if you need to remove the inner screens etc? :huh:

  • Hello and a warm welcome in our X1 forum!

    It´s no problem to write in english ^^

    But... I´ve never heared about a change of xenon bulbs....

    Best wishes from
    The uncle

    :thumbup: Abgeholt am 28.08.13 in der BMW Welt
    xDrive18d Tiefseeblau Sportline Automatik Xenon Kurvenlicht Panoramaglasdach Komfortzugang Navi-Professional mit DAB+ Tuner Lichtpaket Ablagenpaket Anhängerkupplung PDC v+h Rückfahrkamera Tempomat M-Lenkrad Servotronic Regensensor Dachreling Sonnenschutzglas Graukeil Sitzheizung HiFi-Lautsprecher Spiegel abblendend Trennnetz Individual Himmel anthrazit Chromleisten BMW Kofferraumwanne, BMW Dachträger, LED Innenbeleuchtung